Actual Time

Monday, December 21, 2009

Turning point

so lately i have been feeling a little down, and wanting to kill myself but then i had 3 amazing people who opened my eyes and made me realize what i have and i shouldn't let little things ruin me or break me down. yea i know life is hard. just because things aren't going your way or if you made a big mistake that doesn't mean that you should cry over it and wanna kill yourself,you have to remember ur dreams and ur goals and want to fight harder to achieve them. killing yourself will only mean that you are letting them win and the devil will be happy so don't let it happen.Yesterday i was completely sure that i was done with life all because things were going wrong and i couldn't handle it, then i turned on joel and it made me realize that i shouldn't care about what people say or think about me. Even when they talk mess or put u down you should always put a smile on ur face and don't take things in to ur hands instead put them in gods hands because god is cooking up a big feast for you up in heaven and when the time is right he will want you to have what you want and he will want to thank you in front of those who were so evil, mean and people who put u down all these years. Yea i know i don't have much right now but one day i know that i will. Yea i know i wear the same clothes over and over again but one day i know that it will all change.Yea i know people talk mess but i would not take it in to my own hands i will put it in gods hands and let him work it out. God is my life, always and forever will be. He shows me the light everytime that i don't feel well or when i'm feeling weak. he is there to remind me that i'm young this is just a stage in my life that i have to over come to become stronger and a better person and running away wouldn't solve will only make the things that u are running away from still be there and you have to find a way to deal with them.New year is almost coming up and before it came i had to make a couple of changes by cutting out those who always made me come home crying, those who put me down, talk mess and those who really wasn't really my friends they were just there to watch me break down and smile about it. This new year i'm happy that i'm starting fresh and moving on with my life. i'm starting new no drama, no fakes , no mean people, no people who wanna put me down, or make me cry. hey i'm only 17 and this is a phase that i'm going through and as i get older my life will change cause i hold my own future in my hands. i don't let people label me i label myself what they say or think doesn't matter to me the only thing that matters to me is my family, my close friends and those who care about me. i know i'm going somewhere with my life and people see that so they try to push me and put me down as much as they can so i can't succeed in the future but i'm not going to let that happen. i'm in a much better place no more sounding crazy and no more saying things that sound gay. just cause i don't dress like every single girl at my school and i choose to dress whatever cause school is school i'm there to learn not to get guys who are way too immature for me. I am Tina Okoli,17 y.o., Straight , single , putting all my faith in god and I DEFINE WHO I AM NOT YOU. IT'S EITHER YOU LOVE ME FOR WHO I AM OR YOU LEAVE ME ALONE. SIMPLE AS THAT.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Hello Again!!

I've been SUPER busy sooooo that's why I have soooooooooooooooo many freestyles. :D

I'm At a Wack Ass Party

Kayso, this guy was totally hatin on me so I was all like "Oh heeelll naw!!"
So that's why I wrote this here little rap. The guy's name just HAPPENED to be imataparty.

why does it gotta be me wit the low rating
Im sick and tired of all the damn hating
If you wanna fuck wit me jus say it
Cause now you look like a punk wit dat gay shit
You gimme a compliment then 42 fake it
Trust and believe, im no bitch you wanna play wit
Listen, ill be like a plane and you can be the towers
Ill tear yo ass down and youll be the one lookin sour
Here I was thinkin that we could be cool
But now i see imma have to take yo ass to school
Sit yo ass down and learn the number one rule
Cause her words cut like a sharp meat cleava
Her spit will decapitate any dude
Who come at her tryna actin rude
Hope you get lucky and shes in a good mood
If shes not, shell eat you up like good food

Random Bars...OF CHOCOLATE!

goin up against me is like suicide
my rhymes are my weapons to commit homicide
killin off fools like i was Jeffery Dahmer
lookin like i couldnt be any calmer
but in my mind imma rhyme bomber
Terrorizin wack rappers like Osama
He didnt need to hide, he just stood behind yo momma
Now i aint tryna start no drama
I just wanna OH LOOK! A LLAMA!
Oops I got distracted
lets get back to the factses
Im 5 foot 3
cute as can be
lookins for free
but to touch
there is a fee

In Love With You ♥

Hand holding Hands
Running fingers through hair strands
Lips touch lips
Hands holding hips
This love is something Im goin to miss
I am surrounded by bliss
As he surroundes me with arms like towers
Telling me he loves me for hours
He must wear cocaine chapstick
Because I am addictied to his lips
There is nothing that I want more
Because love isnt something you can buy in the store
If we could, then what would we have hearts for?
Its all about me and you
Nobody else, its nothin new
Im so attached
stuck like glue
if it was fake, then it wouldn have lasted
if they did movie of my life, you woudve been the only one casted
ur like my own personal disease
ur like the rain and im the seas
U fill me up and help me breath
without you there is no me
ur the wings that make me free
ur the eyes that help me see
ur like the roots and im the tree
u stay strong so i can stand
only God can understand
the silent conversations we share
you took my heart and handled it with care
The only part of life that I thinks not fair
is the fact that in the end, one of us wont be there

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I'm No Actress

“A word used to exclude is now exclusively used by the excluded and with it excluding the original excluders who use the slang to now gain inclusion into the group of which their group wanted to be removed from American politics of race.”

Hey it's Aneesa, I just kinda feel like sharing a little something with y'all. Growing up, people would tell me I didn’t “act black”. After a while I, just kind of brushed it off because I knew who I was. Now that I’m older, I am starting to question what “acting black” is because I really want to know. One reason people said that I don’t “act black” is because of how I speak. I generally try to enunciate my words due to the fact that I enjoy having a conversation that isn’t full of “whats?” and “huhs?” Another reason why people say that I’m not black is because of the way I dress. I generally try to be original and dressing like every other black person isn’t really accomplishing that. People would also say it’s because of the way I act. I GENERALLY try to BE MYSELF and myself just happens to be crazy, wild, and DANGEROUSLY random. In the eighth grade, I was sitting at a table with some friends and this girl who just happened to be one of the people who is responsible for this post stands up and yells "ALL THE NIGGERS CAN SIT OVER THERE!(poiting at where I was sitting) AND ALL THE NIGGAS CAN SIT HERE!(where she was sitting)" If you imagined a multitude of people running to where she was...then you're wrong. I thought about this event recently and thought to myself

I wonder if she realised how ignorant she sounded

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Are You Threatening Me?

Hey, it's Aneesa again. Today has been a really good day for me...probably because I found a heads-up penny in my third period today. I met a new friend, made up with an old one, and some money for UNICEF. I bet you all are wondering how I got money for UNICEF or why I got money for UNICEF. Well, I'm getting money for UNICEF because I care and because every child deserves an education. Now to tell you HOW. Well my first strategy to geting money was to ask nicely, but I decided against that because whoever got what they wanted by being nice?? So I decided to take the other approach and ask people that I know to "Donate or die". Not in a mean way or anything like that, but in a nice way where they aren't afraid to give money but are afraid to not give money. So far I have $5.08 cause Imma G.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

This Guy!

Okay, on Friday I was the "this guy". I was only the "this guy" because I'm freakin' hilarious. My first display of hilariousness was in second period Chinese and my friend Stephen was talking about something and the only thing I really heard was "I would just buy a whole bunch of stuff that I don't even need." Perfect opportunity that I had to take, I turned around and said, "Like condoms?"

My second display of hilariousness was displayed in fourth period P.E., it wasn't really that funny, but it inspired a few giggles. This guy behind me says to the guy next to him "You know what sucks?" Get your mind out of the gutter, I turned around and said "Vacuums?". tehe :D

National Silence Day

As some of you might have noticed, there have been a few people who decided to take a vow of silence for today. The majority of those people lacked the ability to stick to that vow, but I can't blame them it's hard to not talk when you're in high school. They did write down what their silence represented and I guess I'm gonna go ahead and type it out.

" Everyday in the United States of America, over 4,000 American citizens are silenced against their will. They have their voices permanently silenced and they never get the opportunity to speak on behalf of themselves. Today, we stand in silent solidarity with those who have been silenced. Today, we are silent, but by doing this we are being a voice for the 1/3 of our generation that will never have a voice. These victims are not being silenced, they are being killed. The victims we stand on behalf of are not going to be mentioned on the news. The victims we stand for will not have a funeral. The victims we stand on behalf of were ripped from the safety and warmth of their mothers' wombs. The victims we stand for were not blobs of tissue, but beautiful human people with hearts that beat, brains that gave out brain waves, and a soul. These are the victims of the abortion holocaust. Everyday over 4,000 babies have their lives ended in the name of choice. Since January 22, 1973, over46 million babies have died. The time is now to stand on behalf of these innocent victims."

And that's pretty much it.

Friday, October 16, 2009


It's a serious issue. people who are bipolar can often be unpredictable. Bipolar people can often be to themselves and to others.their moods changes alot. one mintue they are happy, smiling and having fun the next they are sad, crying and any little comment can make them go off on you. bipolar is like being paranoid. people who are bipolar feel like killing themselves and they can't think straight and feel like everyone is out to get them. people who don't understand bipolar people tend to make fun of them like they are bigger than them when they aren't. people who make fun of people who have bipolar or any kind of disease or disorder are all low lives. just because you have a good health and they dont doesnt give you the right to treat them like shit. excuse my language but who the fuck are you to judge some one because they have a disease or disorder.some people get diseases when they are born and some get them later on in life.making fun of someone doesn't make you a better person. the only thing that it does make you look like is an asshole, jerk, low life, and someone who is just a waste of living on earth.people often run away from those with bipolar or disorders because they think that they are weird and strange. instead of being mean to people with a disorder try being nice to them, give them a chance try to understand them and where they are coming from instead of blowing them off and think that they are stalking you. The reason for this bipolar thing is that i may have a bipolar disorder. there's medicine out there that you can make to go normal like everyone else.

She Says...

She says that we are sister's and twins. she says that we're friends till the end yet she runs away from me. she says that she will never talk shit behind my back yet i hear all the mean things that she said about me. she says that she loves you and will always be there for you yet she doesn't aim you, email you, or even wanna get to know you as a person. she says that she was bullied in school yet she does the same thing to you. she says that she will never betray you yet she talks to your enemy and changes who she is just to fit in. she says that she forgives you yet she feels uncomfortable talking to you.She says that you guys are cool yet she never wants to talk to you. she says that she will never ignore you yet she does and acts like you don't exist. she says that she is understanding yet she doesn't show it.she says that she is nice yet she turns out to be a bitch. you tell her that you believe and trust her yet she doesn't believe you. she says she's not evil yet she tells people not to talk to you,be your friend, and tries to ruin your life.she says that she will never lie to you yet that was a lie. You tell her sorry so many times yet she doesn't wanna accept it. she says she isn't the type to hold a grudge on someone yet she is and yet she lied again.she says that she hates liars yet she is one herself.she says that she will never hurt or disappoint you yet she has. you tell her that you are a changed person yet she doesn't believe you and thinks that your stuck in your old ways. you tell her that you wouldn't hurt her ever again yet she holds a guard up and keeps her distant. you tell her that all you ever wanted was to be her friend and get to know her yet she thinks that you are a stalker that keeps annoying her and her friends.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Today's This Guy

I think I'm gonna make this a regular thing.

Ok, today there are two "this guys". Today it was kinda wet outside due to the rain and stuff. I was leisurely walking to my 5th period class when this random guy decides to run and slide on the wet ground. He ended up in front of me and all I could do was stand there and wonder when this guy was on.

The second "this guy" of today is in the library. I have a slight clue that this guy is an extreme germaphobe(fear of germs for those of you who don't know). He sits down at the computer next to me and starts to wipe down the entire area with his hand sanitizer...TRUE STORY. He wiped down the keyboard about 3 times, wiped the monitor once, and I think he wiped some of the chair...

Today's This Guy

I was sitting in the library a couple weeks ago and there was a little asian(noracist) boy with his mom next to me. This guy decides that he wants to run around like he aint got no home trainin'. He was humming...I felt all kindsa adrenaline and what not, I was seriously about to slap the s**t outa him. I am a very patient person, but when there is an annoying a** kid HUMMING quite loudly, I can't do it.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Compliment vs Insult

This was the response to my last freestlye...

9.00/10 posted by flipzismyname on 10.02.09
dam for a bitch u got sum crazy ass skills girl!

I don't know how to even think to respond to that...

Freestyle number something

I pretty much edited this freestyle so if it seems familiar...that's why :D

Why everybody wanna pick on me?
You must have some big balls to fuck with a chick whos 5 foot 3
Ill be da shortest chick in the game
Beat you down and steal ya fame
You call ma rhymes shit
But you sittin there studyin it
If my rhymes really suck
Then why do you give a fuck?
Im not even worried about you
Yet you sittin there tryna make me blue
Analyze my every rhyme
Jus cause you cant get a dime
I know my spits the grossest
You think yo spit is nasty?
People only beg for mercy cause you got chronic halitosis
I’m the biggest diva youll ever come across
Don’t even think imma settle for a loss
Mad at this chick
Cause yo chick
Don’t wanna suck ya dick
Fuck that!
Only reason why you dissed me is cause you know i kill
You know i will have to leave ya body still
Aint no front, im jus tryna be real
Ill tear you down and let you know how real pain feel
You know you wanna smoke me
cause I’m so dope
Ill leave you high and hallucinatin
Youll be shaken when you awaken and Im still statin
facts like nonfiction book
I dont even need a hook
cause you so hooked to my ability to rhyme
Dont think to approach, its just a waste of time
unless you gotta dope ass line
Ive got many
so dont cross any

Saturday, September 26, 2009

I'm back - Tina

Told yall that i will come back with better and deeper things. hope you guys like the newest things that i posted. i written a lot of things and slowly i will be putting them up as i go or when ever i have time. so thanks for checking out the site and always reading everything that we put on here. Oh yea i forgot something. i miss my little sis aneesa hopefully she see's this. hehehe.okay gtg but see you next time. :)


I"m Obsessed. i don't know why? it keeps pulling me closer and closer. i don't know how to stop it. it's like my addiction, i can't get enough of it. i need more and more of it each and every day. you know the feeling of wanting something badly but you have to go through a couple of steps to get what you want?do you even know what I'm talking about? well, I'll tell you. I'm talking about my addiction to life. I'm so obsessed with life that i have so many questions that are left unanswered.scientist knows the answer but people don't. Some go around thinking that life is all about party, drinking, drugs,sex and being popular but all that is jack. party,drinking,drugs,sex and being popular can lead to you dying or getting some kind of disease and being depressed. one day you will look back at your life and say wow, i wasted half my life on useless things while i could have done something that was important and meaningful to me. we have one life, one body, and one choice so we should be careful about what we choose and what we do, but why do we act the way that we do and why do we do the things that we do? is it because we are programmed to or is it because god told us to? well, we can never blame god because he didn't tell us how to act or live our life. he just put us on this earth with a purpose but nobody knows the purpose only he does and when we fulfill that purpose he comes and takes us. life is the biggest mystery in the world. nobody can ever figure it out. it's like the longest video game that you have ever played nonstop but the only time it stops is when you die and become a ghost. Don't you ever wonder how we are created? we all know that god created us but how did he is the question. how did he create the organs in our body , the way that we breathe, hear the world, the babies and the humans.Don't you ever just sit down and think things through? call me crazy but my interest in life has me questioning how these thoughts come in to my head and why do i think differently from everybody else. nobody would ever understand the way that i think unless they were me.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I So Sorry

I have'nt been writing very often, school has been keeping me very uninspired. As soon as I can get a minute of inspiration or anything I will most definetly be posting my 16 bars(yes, I'm actually gonna start trying to write longer raps). I'm working on one right now, if you want to see the UNfinished product of Aneesa Yaasmeen you can click on this link>> that will be done as soon as I can finish it I PROMISE. Just lettin y'all know that Nee-Nee lives. Peace!!

Saturday, August 29, 2009


it entertains us. we watch it when we are bored or have nothing to do with our life. watching TV a lot actually kills our brain cells. people don't tell us that because they want more ratings and money from us. They rather have us ruin our brain so that they can make money. companies always try and come up with new shows an movies to entertain us which usually doesn't last long.

September 10

starting September 10 i will be taking a break from the site to focus more on school and when I'm on break i will try and write more things on here about new experiences and what is going through my head. I'm going to miss coming here but its okay school comes first and always will. so can't wait to come back during break.
xoxo- Tina


life is like the Sims game. Everyone has different personality and life style.we are all human beings programed like robots except for has its ups and downs that's what makes us who we are. every day is a new day for a new adventure to figure out who we are and where we are going with our life.people go their entire life without knowing who they are. they only know what their family taught them to's the same routine over and over again.we wake up go to school,work , go out to eat,pay the bills and do us. its full of obstacles that challenges us in everything that we do.we get sick and die. there are way too many names for different kind of sickness that it makes me wonder who in the world came up with them and the cure. we would be so much better if we didn't get sick and didn't have to go to the hospital all the time. have you ever imagined how other people in the world lived and how things in life are for them?we have a heart and emotions but robots don't.we do things that we end up regretting and other times we don't regret is life. we live to make mistakes and learn from them that's what makes us a better person each and everyday.


Everybody could use a little help in this department including me even though I'm still little. We all make mistakes when it comes down to dating and meeting new people. we are all looking for different things in our partners and soul mate. every one has different taste in people.There are people who keep their dating life private because they rather go through the pain and heart break alone and they don't want a million people telling them i told you so. You don't need a million people in your business when your with someone. when your with someone special you should keep everything between you two not with the whole world. dating is complicated especially with millions of people watching you.It takes 2 to get together, work things out ,and only one person to break things up. dating is about working things out together and figuring out what to do. It's 50/50, you can't except one person to put the effort in.We can't always read our partners mind so they have to tell us what they are thinking.people are confused about dating that they are willing to buy books from the book store instead of asking people for is a process that we go through before we enter a relationship with someone. we experience new things from people that we date so that we can learn from them and not make the same mistakes with the next person


Biggest pain in the ass in the world ever. only females get this in order to have kids in the future.Don't you wish the role could switch up and the guys were the ones who had the periods and the kids so we wouldn't have anything to worry about. A guys' life is sort of easy depending on who you are. They deal with the same things girls deal with. females usually start their when they are 10 -16 years old. while some start late meaning that they develop later in life or slower than others. The first time you get it you get scared thinking that your gonna die or that something is wrong with you and then someone tells you that its normal. Every female gotta go through it in order to have kids in the future and you shouldn't worry about it.when certain females are on their period they can be a real bitch if you know what i mean. if you know whats best for you stay away from them the first day the period comes because that's when the pain comes so don't piss them off.If you think you can handle a female on her period then I'll pray for you. The best way to calm her down is to give her medication and treat her like a princess, give her anything that she asks for. it usually lasts about 5-7 days and when its gone your happy that you don't have to wear any pads or tampons that make you feel uncomfortable.periods gets you bloated and makes you look and feel fat when your really not.

Friday, August 21, 2009


A lot of people in the world have a hard time with this and I'm one of them. Trust isn't something you give out to someone. Its something that you have to earn from people. There are too many different kind of trust in the world. it's hard to trust anybody in the world. The first people that we see when we get in to this world are the first people that we trust. Trust, it's something people has never learned how to do before because they have had people talk mess about them,and seen how others betray their friends so easily that they can do that to them in a heart beat.Never really trusted anyone before because every time that I tried they showed me a reason not to.Trust is important in life. Without out love, family or trust where would you be at. we hold back a lot of things because people talk too much. we put up a wall so that we don't get hurt by others. A lot of people are afraid to trust others so they keep everything to themselves and not tell a soul. you can't really trust anyone in this world but yourself because everybody eventually leaves you. We some times learn to trust people but when it all fails its hard for us to build up a new one and trust them.When old friendships come back we can never trust them because we have flash backs of everything good and bad that we've been through and it gets us thinking whether or not we can be able to fully trust that person again. After seeing how they were when you guys weren't friends shows you that you can forgive but you can never forget or trust them. People don't wanna reconcile their old friendships because they don't wanna get hurt for the second time again. Trust ,its something that we work on everyday with people, to figure out whether or not we can tell them anything and if they are willing to keep it to themselves and not spread it around like a little disease. Trusting someone is like giving a part of you away that you will never get back no matter how badly you want it back.Trust isn't the most easiest thing in the world but some day we will find someone that we can trust that would be there for us when the time is right.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


In the bible it says treat others the way you want to be treat but my version of it is respect others the way you want to be respected. if you disrespect someone badly you get that in return.This word "respect", it's only 7 letters but why does it mean so much to us. parents want us to respect them and our siblings but why show respect to your siblings when they don't show it back to you? Respect we show it to our elders and to people who we don't know. When people disrespect us we are quick to attack them back because it's in our blood to. People say that they treat you the same way that they wanna be treated but how come that becomes a lie. We get this little set of rules as kids to respect people but how come people never gave us a set of rules to disrespect people when they disrespect us. You can make 10 sentences with using the word respect that's how popular the word is today and forever will be.We are taught to respect certain things in life and certain people. By giving respect, we hope to gain self-respect and through self-respect, we gain the respect of others. Self-respect is one of the qualities people stress and try to nurture. Once you lose your self-respect, you just go down. Respect has different meanings and different sayings to it. Men and women are respectable only if they respect you in return.Only those who respect the personality of others can be in real use to them.If one doesn't respect oneself one can have neither love nor respect for others.Respect for ones parents is the highest duty of civil life unless the parents is being a completely jerk face to you.

Quote about life by Benjamin Franklin
The best thing to give to your enemy is forgiveness; to an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart; to your child, a good example; to a father, deference; to your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you; to yourself, respect; to all men, charity.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

High school sweet heart

Many people get one of those.They are like your childhood friend who knows everything and detail about you but the only difference is that you guys actually go out for a really long time.some high school sweet hearts don't usually last when they are young so when they get older they tend to wanna reconcile the old relationship.some high school sweet hearts end up getting married and having kids. while some get married, have kids and later on get divorce.They are the one who knows you best besides your family members. They are there for you through your ups and downs and are willing to do anything for you in a heartbeat if you ask them to. Although some of them maybe a little pesky , they will always remind you why you two fell in love in the first place.There are way too many chemistry and connection there to ruin or for anyone to try and get in between it.They are your best friend. You can trust them and tell them anything in the world including your deep dark secrets.They are fun to hang around with and talk to. They loved you since high school and they will love you until you two both grow old together.They are your first love,real relationship and sometimes they are the people that you lose it to.They never go away and if they do they always come back to you.There are way too many memories of both people to ever let go.You love them unconditionally and will forgive them no matter what happens and if they cheat on you and leave you for someone else and then come back to you saying that they miss you, sorry, that they couldn't stop thinking about you, and then they start talking about the good old times and how cute you guys looked back then and now. Take them back for the second time they might leave and cheat on you again for someone else. so before you decide taking you high school love back remember the good and bad and talk to them so you don't get hurt for the second time.

Monday, August 17, 2009


There comes a time in our life when we start liking boys and thinking that they are cute. As kids we always thought that boys had cooties and boy always thought that girls had cooties. We grow up realizing that both boys and girls need each other in order to survive in this world. We get used to seeing guy's everywhere we go that we view it as human nature. We get hit on and told so many times how hot and cute that we are that it starts to get annoying as we get older.We know that we are cute. We live in our own body and we see ourselves every single day and hearing it from others makes us more annoyed and irritated than ever. When we get to a certain age we start liking boys and eventually we start calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend. Bf and GF turn in to husband and wife when both couples are truly sure about their feelings for each other and know that they are ready to move to the next step and have kids and live together. Marriage is serious. It means that you are ready to give up your entire single life, meeting new girls , sleeping with whoever you want for that one special person that you truly care about and you can't live without. Relationships are always complicated at times. So we try our best to make it work. there are people in the world who promise their partner the world and some time don't deliver on it. Some people break their promise by cheating on their partners with a lot of females that they end up breaking up and getting back together. There are some people in the world who their partner have cheated on them so many times that they end up forgiving them a lot and the other leaves them for some one else. No matter how many times you forgive a cheater they will always do it again and leave you for someone else who is way better, and good looking than you. Some relationships in the world doesn't last and some do. It takes some people so many tries to find that right person for us. Why is it that every single time that our partner breaks up with us we tend to be sad about it , cry over it, wonder what went wrong in the relationship and if it was really you that caused the break up? we go through relationships and break-ups so many times that you think by now we would be used to it and woman and man up about it and move on to the next person.Reality is that each year we get older the feelings for someone else deepens and the pain of the break - up worsen. There are some people in the world who can't sleep, or eat because the broke up or got in an argument with their partner. when people fight with their partners , the girls are the ones who worry the most about it. They go through every single thing that both people said to see where they went wrong and where the other person went wrong so that they can later on fix it and get back together.Boys when they get out of a relationship they are happy. they feel free and happy to get their single life back so that they can have fun. They don't give a flying chicken whether your hurt they would move on with their life like you were never there and you never existed to them. Relationships are based on truths not lies. Cheaters sometimes get caught by their partners and some of them have been cheating for so long that they have mastered the game and think that they will never be caught.when cheaters are confronted they tend to lie about it, play it off, try and find a way to blame it on their girl, and sometimes they will come clean about it and tell you the truth.When we are in a relationship we wanna prove to the person that we are with that we love them by doing anything that they want and giving them whatever their hearts desires.


We start growing out our teeth at the age of one. Teeth, everybody is born with one of them.Some teeth are perfect and some aren't. As kids with grow up with messed up teeth and sometimes good teeth and as we get older our teeth chooses to fix itself without the help of the dentist. As babies our parents took care of our teeth. They showed us the proper skills to take care of our teeth so that when we get older we can do it ourselves. We go through a lot of process and money to make our teeth perfect when it ends up messing up again. smoking and drinking leads to you losing your teeth or making them yellow when you get older. There are dentist in the world who would love to fix your teeth for a small price.Dentist are the ones who take care of everybody's teeth. They are the ones who get to look into your teeth and tell you what's wrong with it and what they can do for you so that your teeth can be better looking. Some dentist tend to mess up your teeth so that you can come back to them and they can bleed you dry. Braces are just one of the things that dentist put on you so straighten your teeth. braces sometimes lasts forever and sometimes it doesn't. When we smile people first see our teeth and if it isn't straight or good looking it can be a turn off for others. Bad breathes are everyone's worst enemies. We are worried about it every time. Some people are so worried about it that they will run to the store and buy about 45 packs of gum. one for each time that they think their breath smells. Chewing gum a lot does ruin your teeth. Companies make a lot of money from products involving putting in your mouth.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


WE all know about them.we wanna be just like them.They are everywhere including in our own tvs. If we can't meet them in person, we watch them on screen or on the net. Celebrities are normal human beings just like you and me. The only difference is that they are famous, on screen, does movies, music videos, and are rich and could have anything that their hearts desire. With Fame comes the unbearable stalkers also know as the paparazzi who would do anything to catch them in their worst moments and try and ruin their careers. Being a star means living and growing up in the eyes of millions of people watching you. Every single thing that you do is in the public eye including your private life and relationship.Being a star means you gotta watch you say, be smart and be careful what you do because little kids who watch you look up to you as role models. some stars could care less what people think about that they are there to do their job and get that paper. Stars, Some of them are nice, and sweet while they're others who aren't used to it. They are mean when you piss them off. some of them would make sure that you don't get a job when you get older by telling people not to talk to you, hire you, be your friend and some of them will go to the extreme by taking you picture and write on it including your name and every single information about you and post it up. They act like little innocent people when they really aren't. No body ever knows what happens behind closed doors they only show you what they want you to see and sometimes things that they don't want you to see ends up out there. Some people are so obsessed with them that they are willing to stalk them, find a way to get closer to them and hang out with them while others are fans and just wanna get to know the real them and not the television them. Stars have stalkers and Billie jeans. We all wanna know them and be like them. There are times when we have a chance to know the real them but we end up ruining it and then when we ask for the second chances they turn us down and think that we are lame and a stalker.There are people who wanna use them just to make it and there are others who just wanna be their friends. It's hard for them to trust people in the business because they always get people telling them lies and never wanna be honest. To them they are an object to make others money and bring more popularity. In the world of fame they make fun of you for gaining the littlest weight and eat all the junk food saying that your body gotta pay for it later on in life.


It may be short, but I dont care...

Lips big like Jay-Z
body makin you crazy
only one guy can hit it outa the park
that's another story that i aint even gonna start
fallin in love is the easy part
now jus gotta keep it in ya heart
love knocked me down
but gravity aint the only thing keepin me here
just the thought of knowin ur here
protecting me from all my fears
always there to wipe my tears

Hip-Hops Anonymous

Hip-Hop was fun
Now Hip-Hop is done
Got n***as yellin bout they swag
Makin songs about brown paper bags
Eminem got yelled at
For callin out fags
Yes it was wrong
But at least he had purpose for his song
Not jus talkin bout bitches in thongs
And the length of his dong
Yeah that came up a few times
But not in all of his rhymes
I aspire to be jus like him
That's why I'm always wrtin
Use freedom of speech
To tell the truth I speak
It aint all about the bling
And I aint after the things
Who knows what the future brings
Just know that I'll be somewhere
Eatin on some chicken wings

WooHoo! Number 7!! I really need names for these freestyles...

Hatin cause I'm sicka then you
What I got is more then a common flu
Writin ill raps like everyday
Y'all wanna be like me in every way
So wanted and so sexy
Y'all gon' have to be more then flexy
To get me
Don't like wat I spit
And diss in spite
I aint here diss and
Y'all can keep yo fight
It aint my fault I was born with wings
Takin flight wit every rap I sing
Y'all know im the bomb
You know I spit fiya
Don't need no drugs
To get hiya

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


School, it's a must that we have to go to it. We start school as little toddlers and it never ends from there. we go to school so that we can get a degree and have a better life for ourselves and our family in the future.In high school we are given nicknames by our peers depending on what we do. High school is filled with different people with different race. It's fun when you first get there but after a while it gets boring. You see the same teachers and people every day for 365 school days. Every school has an activity that you can do so that you don't get bored and you keep in shape.In high school you have clicks. If you don't match the click they wouldn't let you in. There's the jocks, the skater group, the cool kids, popular kids, the followers, the nerd, geeks and then they're people who are in between. In high school you have haters, gossipers, liars, drama thief's,fake, and jealous people. The First day of high school is nerve racking that it makes you wonder what its gonna be like, if any guys will ever like you, if your gonna fit in, and if the teachers are nice and if they are gonna be mean to you. Teachers' have their favorite student's but when you ask them who their favorite is they tend to lie and say i like all of you guys. High school is harsh. You have people who would pretend to be your friend so that they can copy your homework, test, classwork or any thing that your doing in class.You Can't trust anyone in high school. Say one thing and the whole school including the teachers know about it so the best way is to keep your mouth shut and don't talk about any body else.You'll be lucky if you come out of there with a friend that you both can grow old with. Some people in high school are super fake that you can't tell who is real or who is just trying to find out information from you. They're materialist people that could care less about the planet, environment, and animal. There's others' don't really care about designers' stuff and they could live their entire life without it. Life isn't all about materialist things and some people need to take a good look in the mirror and realize that.There's people who make a fool of themselves, disown where they come from, act and do things that are slutty just to get attention from other people. High school it's like being in a four year relationship that you can never leave no matter how hard we try. People say that high school is where we make our names and mark but honestly it's not. It is a place where people who think that they are better than you when they're not put labels on you that really doesn't define who you really are. We do and say things in high school that when we get older we look back on it and sometimes end up regretting it. people will always talk shit, spread rumors, and make fun of you because they think that you are a competition to them , they are insecure with themselves and have nothing better to do than to pick on you. Every time we leave a school a new generation enters it. Each year colleges increase their tuition so that they can get more money from the students and their parents.The higher you go the more money you have to pay.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Freestyle #6

The inspiration for this one knows who they I shall not reveal their name. I kinda get the feeling that this is more along the lines of a poem, but I'm just gonna call it a rap.

Hands holding hands
Running fingers through hair strands
Lips touch lips
Hands holding hips
Looking into my eyes
This love is something I'm goin to miss
I am surrounded by bliss
As he surroundes me with arms like towers
Telling me he loves me for hours
He must wear cocaine chapstick
Because I am addictied to his lips
There is nothing that I want more
Because love isn't something you can buy in the store
If we could, then what would we have hearts for?


It's a part of life that we can never escape from. Each generation goes through it so that a new generation can begin living. There are people in the world who die before god takes them and there are those who make the wrong decision in their life that the result is them dying. The sad thing about living is that we all know that some day that our loved ones and ourselves will one day die at anytime and at any moment so we try to make the best of them and us living here on earth. Death is serious, yet it is funny to me because when you die you see all the people that were fake, mean, didn't want anything to do with you at your funeral, crying and wishing that they could go back in time and be nice to you, talk to you, and even try and become your friend. Some people have so many regrets about what they have said and done to you and wish that they could have been there to try and save you. While others couldn't care less about you. They are happy that you are gone so that they don't have to deal with all of your bullshit.Death, we never know when its gonna happen to us so we just live life like usual and do the things like we usually do like it was our last days.Death is a scary thing. We never wanna find out that our love ones is gone and we never had the chance to say goodbye or that we love them and always miss them. Death is unpredictable. One day we're alive and and the next we're gone. Death is fascinating and the way that we die makes it more interesting. When people die they are sometimes remembered in a good way and sometimes they aren't. When your gone your whole entire secrets and life comes out. all the people that you once knew or talked to all get to meet your family or get to know them so that they can share stories about you and get closer to them. When people die you miss them alot. some of us tend to tattoo our loved ones name on us, make a video of them and do anything possible that we can so that we can never forget about them. People who lose a love one are the ones who truly knows how it feels like,and how much it hurts inside. people go to the funeral to pay their respect and once its done and over with you never see or talk to the people who were there ever again. it's like they are all there for the moment and then move on with their life like nothing ever really happened. People who lose a love one are the ones who remember them the most,miss every single thing and detail about them. Sometimes some people hear the ones that we have lost,we see them when nobody else can and sometimes we lose our mind. people who have lost so many people in their life tend to go crazy, psycho, go in to depression or stalker mode, Feels like nobody in the world ever understands who they are and what they are going through. some of them tend to be isolated or try to be friends with a celebrity thinking that out of everyone in the world a stranger would understand what they are going through and who they really are.

Friday, August 7, 2009


love?? what is love ? some of us don't even know what love is and we say it to random people, there is no love. there's only people who hurt you, break your heart, and make you think that they are in love with you.when honestly they were just trying to use or change you to make you into this perfect little person that they have pictured in their tiny little head and if that doesn't work they move on to the next chick who would give them everything that they could possibly want and have.Love, Everyone in the world knows about it. people talk about meeting their soul mate and spending the rest of their life with them. Some people hate love because they have been hurt so many times that they have decided to give up and hate on it.Others tend to turn bisexual or lesbian. Love is one thing that makes the world go round and it is also something that makes some people in the world do the most stupidest thing just because they think that they love or are in love with someone. Love, We all make mistakes when it comes down to it. No body is perfect. we live and learn from our experience and the things we do.Sometimes people don't learn the first time that they are hurt by usually takes them a couple of tries to learn that they deserve way better than someone who lies, cheat, ignores their call, and treats them like shit.Love, Some people find true happiness and others don't. People who usually don't find happiness end up living with their parents or living on their own with a couple of cats or dogs. some females think that if a guy hits them so many times and he apologizes for it that he truly loves them and wouldn't do it again. Well news flash, if he hits you once he surely will again and the next time it happens, you may end up dead and your family having to look for you. love doesn't hurt,so females don't stay with any guy who abuses you. If a guy abuses a girl that means that he is a weak ass dude that obviously has mental issues and isn't a man. Love, it's what we have. We go through the same routine, trying to find that one special person that we might eventually spend the rest of our life with or call our boyfriends. We get hurt by the people that we go out with and when the new person comes along we try and compare the new guy to the old one thinking that they will do the same thing that the old guy did to us and we end up missing out on someone really great and special. Females are built with the same structures and sometimes the same personalities.We are all looking for the same thing in a guy/man. We want someone who loves us for us, wouldn't change a single thing about us, can cook, educated, makes us laugh, can keep a good convo., has a job, his own car, his own house, doesn't live with his parents, and knows how to cater to us cause we surely will do the same thing. Guys, They tell you things that they think that you wanna hear, some of them are well educated, has a job,some of them cheat and others are faithful to the female that they are with, some of them lie to you like there's no tomorrow and others are too scared of losing the love of their life so they will fall under pressure when their chick asks them a question. Some guys can't live without sex, that if they aren't getting any from their girlfriend/ partner they will find some chick who will give it up to them in a minute without them having to work for it. Love is love. We work so hard on building up a relationship with someone else thinking that one day that he will end up asking us to marry them until one day they come out of no where and scatter your world by telling you honey, sweet peas, I think this isn't working out for the both of us, it's not you it's me, Let's not make it any harder than it is and move on with our life. When they say that, it makes you wonder why they are coming out right now and telling you this? why couldn't they have told you this in the beginning instead of making you waste your time on them knowing that they wouldn't stay long.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


This freestyle was born because there was this guy that I knew...he prtty much wanted me for just my body(can't blame him), but that had to end(not that it had even begun).

I'm sick and tired of dudes
bein so rude
talkin bout
how they wanna squeeze and lick my boobs
What you don't know
is that my momma actually raised me
and yo stupid threats don't faze me
dont talk to me
i dont give a flying fuck
dont even think about trying ya luck
and maybe pushin daisies up

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Parents, What can I say
We have a love and hate relationship with them.
When we are little they tell us what to wear, what to do and how to act.
And We all know that as little kids we hated them so much that we were praying to get out of that house or for them to shut up and let us live our life.
Parents, they were young ones they know how life is and they only want the best for us. Some of them will go to the extreme to make sure that their kids have the best.
Some parents are so stuck with back in the day way that they still think that they are still living in the old days and not the modern age.
Parents want their kids to grow up and become a doctor, lawyers and nurses but the reality is as a kid we try so hard to impress/ make our parents so proud of us that we end us crashing in the long run. We love our parents but we can't become something that they want us to be. One thing i don't get is why do parents push their kids so much to do things that they want,knowing that their children isn't happy with it. Why Couldn't they accomplish the things that they are telling their kids to become?some of us get told what to do by everyone that when we get older we lose sight of who we really are, we act like little kids that people tell us to grow up.Some parents are so strict with their kids that they are too scared to talk back, leave the house, weak- minded, and prefer not to have any friends so that they don't get in to argument or drama. Some kids end up rebelling against their parents, moving out and being independent, and cutting their parents/ family completely out of their life. some people consider suicide, thinking that the best way to leave the whole controlling you, treating you like a maid and not like a human -being would be perfect and you will no longer have to deal with everything and you wouldn't hear people nagging you, telling you to cook, clean the whole house up every single day knowing that there are other people who live in the same house as you but they are too lazy to do anything.Some times we have parents and siblings who try to play mind tricks on you thinking that your dumb and since they are older than you they can control you and tell you what to do. Parents and siblings gotta learn that your getting older and that you will make mistakes as you get older and they have to learn to let you go and trust you instead of using all of your past and mistakes against whenever your arguing or talking to them.


Best friends
People say that we need one
People say that we can’t live without one and that our lives isn’t complete
But why do we need a best friend for?
I thought that we came in to this world alone and
We leave alone so what’s the point of having one?
All they do is hurt you, cause too much drama,
And make your life a living hell
Dealing with backstabbers, there’s one thing I’ve learned
They are only powerful when you back is turned
Things change and so do I
Friendship change too, I always wondered why
But I never once came close to my answer until now
You start backstabbing me and going against your word thinking
“Oh she will never find out “
Well guess what? I heard everything
And I wanted to say thank you.
Its funny how the first time we met, we were at this place
Something between us was beginning but it breaks my
Heart to know that we are at this same place and
That something between us is now ending
[Best Friends Forever]
At least that’s what we used to say but it turns
Out that forever wasn’t too far away
Sometimes your best friends are really your enemies in disguise
Take out the picture, blow off the dust
Take off the frame, it’s starting to rust
Remember the times we had together
What happened to being best friends forever?
When shit goes down and sides are taken you find out
Who was real and who was faking
People talk a little too much
You never known who to trust
No matter how hard I seem to try you turn around and twist my words into a lie
Are friendships supposed to be like this?
Because if they are … then I quit
You say that we’re cool is that why you talk shit about me?
You could care less about me
I know you don’t give a fuck, it shows
Don’t come crawling back to me when it ends
I used to actually feel like your best friend but now
All I see is someone who betrayed me.
I wish life was a fairy tale and people were always friends
Instead of these non- stop disasters that Never want to end
You gotta deal with the shit people do
Not everyone in life is going to stay true to you.
Best friend is 10 letters but so is lying bitch.
What is it like to become what you once despised so much?
What is it like to pile lies on top of lies?
You’re the lowest of the low so now you sink into hell.
All the people you used, it’s coming back to you
All of the promises you broke
Hope you fucking choke on them.
No one stays true
It’s like an addiction
Because no one is real
It’s all fiction
The list just keeps getting shorter and shorter
And there are fake people around every corner
So never turn your back on your friends like you did me
Because they are your biggest target.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


We are all created on earth with one of them.
We all have different stories to tell and we come from different backgrounds that makes us different.
There are days when we love them and there are days when we can't stay them.
Families are like your best friends but the only difference is that they will never leave your side.
We are all attached to our family by our last names, the blood that we carry in our body, and having the same parents.
Families, we can't live with them and we can't live without them.
Your family will always be there for you no matter what happens and when everybody in the world leaves your side.
Families, they are there for everything and forever.
They are the ones who see you in your very worst and at your very best.
They are the ones who knows everything about you because they lived with you ever since you were little.
Your families are the first people in the world to see you when you were born and the last to see you when you pass.
Your families are there for you through your ups and downs.
They are there to play with you when your bored, tell jokes , talk to, and even dance with.
Your family will always be in your heart no matter what, and when they are gone you will never forget about them.
Families they are like our credit cards we love them til death and when they piss us off we just wanna cut them with a pair of scissors.
Families, there is no way we can run away or hide from them.
They will always find us no matter where we go or hide.

Monday, August 3, 2009


There was a freestyle battle in the Freestyle Rappers club on facebook...I forgotted :(

How the hell did I forget the battle??
I must've been distracted
Like a baby wit a rattle
Don't mean to front
Or put anybody down
But next time
Imma turn that upside down to a frown
Try to take my crown
And I'll make you look like a clown
I know I'm Disturbed
So get down wit my sickness
So chocolate like Nesquick
But will cuss you out wit a quickness

Friday, July 31, 2009

Freestlye #4

New Freestyle by Aneesa Yaasmeen

Aneesa is the female version of a hustla

Yall think you can be the next Busta

But you really jus a sucka

Compared to me, yall jus a lil sick

Cause this chick

Is always illa

Spittin fatal raps

Cause imma natural born killa

Bringin a new flava

For your ears to sava

You think you hot

but I am always hotah

You want it I got it

drippin like watah

my flow is so good

I got yall sayin WOO-HAH!

Would You wear this?

Add Video

Thursday, July 30, 2009

That's right! Another Aneesa Yaasmeen Freestyle

This one was COMPLETE BOREDOM, pretty graphic haha I don't even have a dog named Fred...

Just to let you know, I was born wit no conscience
So please forgive me if i leave you barely concious
I'll put an an axe in ya head
And make you eat moldy bread
And make you have sex with my dog Fred
then ill leave yo ass fo dead
Mercy is ma middle name
that's why ill do anythin to you scream it
Ill cut off your arms and force feed you steamed shit
I aint neva gonna stop
cuz i love to see tear and blood drops
so fuck all da hataz
yall a buncha bitter fakaz
i dont even want you to be congradulataz
just leave me the fuck alone
take yo confused asses home
tell ya brother what he did was so right but oh so wrong

Freestyle #3

Now some real shit bout to go down
No more nice Nee-Nee now
Yall wanna fuck wit me when i was jus playin around
You think you a tough guy
Talkin bout how i couldnt even kill a fly
If I wanted to
I'd decapitate you
Fuck wit me again
And that's exactly what ill do
I aint straight outa Compton
But ill wet yo ass up
Poor ya blood in a cup
Yeah that's right this Nee-Nee chick is crazy
Just like lil wayne, ill kill yo newborn baby
I don't give a fuck
Just don't fuck wit me
And if you do
The last chick you'll see
Is Aneesa Yaasmeen

Freestyle #2

Why everybody wanna pick on me?
You must have some big balls to fuck with a chick who's 5'3
I'll be da shortest chick in the game
Beat you down and steal ya fame
You call ma rhymes shit
But you sittin there studyin it
If my rhymes really suck
Then why do you give a fuck?
I'm not even worried about you
Yet you sittin there tryna make me blue
And yo racial slurs dont hurt me sucka
To explain the racial slur thing, this guy seriously thought i was


If I were dead
Would you care
would you ask questions about my death
or would you act like i was never alive to you
If I were dead
would you remember me
or would you forget that i ever existed
If I were dead
would you go to my funeral, cry for me and remember me
or would you not visit my grave and not worry about me
If I were dead
would you think about me everyday
or would you just go on with your life like i was never there
If I were dead
would you keep everything that i own as a memory
or would you throw them in the trash
If I were dead
Would you remember everything and detail about me
or would you just erase them from your memory.

Freestyle #1

Hey this is Aneesa Yaasmeen. Tina and I are sharing this little blog here so I'm going to be putting up some freestyles and whatever else I can think of to put up. So here is my first freestyle. I don't have names for them so please bear with me.

Analyze my every rhyme
Jus cause you cant get a dime
I know my spit's the grossest
You think yo spit is nasty?
People only beg for mercy cause you got chronic halitosis
I’m the biggest diva you'll ever come across
Don’t even think imma settle for a loss
I may not kill you in reality
But in a battle I’m yo fatality
Mad at this chick
Cause yo chick
Don’t wanna suck ya dick
Fuck that!
The only reason you wanna smoke me
Is cause I’m so dope
You think you can faze me?
I’m not even gonna give you false hope


After doing a little research on the topic I decided to write about the topic sex because of all of the scary things and all the names i never knew that refered to it. Sex, its something that we all know about. Our parents do it, even our own friends do it too. Why is it that a three letter word comes with so many diseases? well that's because some people who are having sex aren't being careful or protecting themselves and their partners. Sex has so many terms and nickname for it but who created sex itself? well God was the first person who created it, and us. when do we know that we're ready to have sex or lose it to someone else? some of us don't know when we're ready, some of us lose it to their partners, some of us wait until marriage and some of us do it cause we're pressured to. Sex is a serious issue. You shouldn't do it when your not ready to. Having sex because you want to lose your virginity, because no guy will ever love you unless you lose it , or because your friends are doing it, is something that you may regret later on in life. Don't lose it to some guy who only wants you for sex. If a guy truly loves/cares about you then he will wait for you. If your absolutely sure that your ready to lose it to that one guy then you should seriously consider using a condom, being on birth control, and taking every way possible to making sure you don't end up with a baby at a young age, also talk to your parents about it. They were young once they will understand.If your not sure about it then you should be abstinence until you get married.

10 Things that pisses people off

This blog is basically things that would annoy most or some people.

  1. Chain letters: who ever thought about this should be fined with annoying people like crazy like come on who needs a mail that has no meaning to it and tells you that if you send it to 5 or 10 people that your wish will be granted and your long lost love would come back to you. Personally i don't believe in chain letters. I honestly think that it is a waste of time for people to write it and then waste another 5 seconds out of their life in sending it in hope that something good will come to them.
  2. Tampon commercial: Don't you just hate it when you turn on the tv and the first thing you see is a stinking tampon commercial. It's like,okay we get the point you guys want us to go out and buy you guys brand of tampons when there's like over a billion different types of tampons in the world.
  3. Paranoid people: They are everywhere. it's annoying when your doing your own thing, talking to your friend,emailing someone , aiming your friends, or just doing anything you want and then they come out of no where asking ,"what are you doing?, Are you talking about me?, Can I read what your doing ?. it's obivous, that what i'm doing has nothing to do with you and if i wanted you to read what telling my bestfriend then i i let you read it.
  4. People who can't make up their mind: Let's say that you are at an in & out food place right now and the people right in front of you can't make up their mind so they make you and everybody else wait in line for 20 minutes while deciding what to order when you already know what you want and you just want to order it and leave cause you have some place to be and things to do.
  5. Farting: the number 1 disrespectful thing in the world. Don't you hate it when people fart on your leg, face and even on you. fart stinks honestly if you going to fart do it when your alone, not on someone or around people cause its immature, and your disrespecting people around you.
  6. Rich people complaining: Isn't it annoying when your watching a news channel about people in war and then next minute they change it to some rich person complaining that they lost over a million dollars of jewerly, and clothes and they are asking people to do something about it. oh yes we will help you by shooting your greedy ass to hell. Look, there are alot of people without a home, food to eat and a job. if your complaining over a million dollars that you lost knowing that you have more in the bank and that you can always buy more jewerly and clothes. well then i think that you full of your self and need to take a look at the world and people suffering.
  7. When people get mad at you: Don't you hate it when people are mad at you for no reason and that they don't tell you what you did wrong and they expect you to magically know what's wrong. We're not mind reader so if your mad at someone just tell them why cause if you don't they would end up not caring anymore.
  8. People who wear their pants too short: shorts they are fine but when you go to the extreme by wearing it too short that your butt are showing then that's a little hoeish right there. if your gonna wear shorts,wear shorts but just make sure it doesn't show your whole ass to the world.Girls don't wanna be looking out the car window and seeing a girl's ass in their view. Girls think that wearing shorts make their ass look cute and guys will like them. well news flash they don't.all they will be thinking about is wow that chick is a hoe i bet i can hit that and never call her again.
  9. hot and humid weather: Don't you hate it when it's hot as heck and your trying to sleep but the weather wouldn't let you no matter how hard you try to.
  10. Hypocrites: If your gonna be fake to someone might as well not talk to them at all. Don't say some thing to someone knowing that you will end up doing the same thing you told someone else not to do.


They are every where

We have them before we are even born

I don’t get why people hate on you for no reason

Some people hate you because you have talent, good looks, and money

Some hate on you because they know that your going somewhere with your life and they aren’t

Some hate on you before they even know you

Hater’s are like little fans of yours

They can’t get you out their mouth and every time they mention you people want to know more about you

Haters want to put you down and see you fail in life.

Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them more.

Don't hate me because I wasn't who you thought I was or who you wanted me to be.

From start to finish you never knew the real me.

Hating is the sincerest form of flattery.

Don't hate what you can't imitate.
Hated by many. Confronted by none

Haters only hate the things that they can't get and the people they can't be.

Haters wanna play hard. I won't pretend to be mad.

I'll just disregard you like a bad memory.

Hating on a certain name only gives them fame.

If you don't like me remember its mind over matter; I don't mind and you don't matter.

If you hate me or what I'm reppin? then click the [x] and get to stepping!

It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you are not.

Keep looking my way. My head is held high. You wanna bring me down? I dare you to try.
Love me or hate me. Either way I'm on your mind.

So many assume. So little know.

They can't hurt you even if they try.