Actual Time

Friday, October 16, 2009


It's a serious issue. people who are bipolar can often be unpredictable. Bipolar people can often be to themselves and to others.their moods changes alot. one mintue they are happy, smiling and having fun the next they are sad, crying and any little comment can make them go off on you. bipolar is like being paranoid. people who are bipolar feel like killing themselves and they can't think straight and feel like everyone is out to get them. people who don't understand bipolar people tend to make fun of them like they are bigger than them when they aren't. people who make fun of people who have bipolar or any kind of disease or disorder are all low lives. just because you have a good health and they dont doesnt give you the right to treat them like shit. excuse my language but who the fuck are you to judge some one because they have a disease or disorder.some people get diseases when they are born and some get them later on in life.making fun of someone doesn't make you a better person. the only thing that it does make you look like is an asshole, jerk, low life, and someone who is just a waste of living on earth.people often run away from those with bipolar or disorders because they think that they are weird and strange. instead of being mean to people with a disorder try being nice to them, give them a chance try to understand them and where they are coming from instead of blowing them off and think that they are stalking you. The reason for this bipolar thing is that i may have a bipolar disorder. there's medicine out there that you can make to go normal like everyone else.

She Says...

She says that we are sister's and twins. she says that we're friends till the end yet she runs away from me. she says that she will never talk shit behind my back yet i hear all the mean things that she said about me. she says that she loves you and will always be there for you yet she doesn't aim you, email you, or even wanna get to know you as a person. she says that she was bullied in school yet she does the same thing to you. she says that she will never betray you yet she talks to your enemy and changes who she is just to fit in. she says that she forgives you yet she feels uncomfortable talking to you.She says that you guys are cool yet she never wants to talk to you. she says that she will never ignore you yet she does and acts like you don't exist. she says that she is understanding yet she doesn't show it.she says that she is nice yet she turns out to be a bitch. you tell her that you believe and trust her yet she doesn't believe you. she says she's not evil yet she tells people not to talk to you,be your friend, and tries to ruin your life.she says that she will never lie to you yet that was a lie. You tell her sorry so many times yet she doesn't wanna accept it. she says she isn't the type to hold a grudge on someone yet she is and yet she lied again.she says that she hates liars yet she is one herself.she says that she will never hurt or disappoint you yet she has. you tell her that you are a changed person yet she doesn't believe you and thinks that your stuck in your old ways. you tell her that you wouldn't hurt her ever again yet she holds a guard up and keeps her distant. you tell her that all you ever wanted was to be her friend and get to know her yet she thinks that you are a stalker that keeps annoying her and her friends.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Today's This Guy

I think I'm gonna make this a regular thing.

Ok, today there are two "this guys". Today it was kinda wet outside due to the rain and stuff. I was leisurely walking to my 5th period class when this random guy decides to run and slide on the wet ground. He ended up in front of me and all I could do was stand there and wonder when this guy was on.

The second "this guy" of today is in the library. I have a slight clue that this guy is an extreme germaphobe(fear of germs for those of you who don't know). He sits down at the computer next to me and starts to wipe down the entire area with his hand sanitizer...TRUE STORY. He wiped down the keyboard about 3 times, wiped the monitor once, and I think he wiped some of the chair...

Today's This Guy

I was sitting in the library a couple weeks ago and there was a little asian(noracist) boy with his mom next to me. This guy decides that he wants to run around like he aint got no home trainin'. He was humming...I felt all kindsa adrenaline and what not, I was seriously about to slap the s**t outa him. I am a very patient person, but when there is an annoying a** kid HUMMING quite loudly, I can't do it.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Compliment vs Insult

This was the response to my last freestlye...

9.00/10 posted by flipzismyname on 10.02.09
dam for a bitch u got sum crazy ass skills girl!

I don't know how to even think to respond to that...

Freestyle number something

I pretty much edited this freestyle so if it seems familiar...that's why :D

Why everybody wanna pick on me?
You must have some big balls to fuck with a chick whos 5 foot 3
Ill be da shortest chick in the game
Beat you down and steal ya fame
You call ma rhymes shit
But you sittin there studyin it
If my rhymes really suck
Then why do you give a fuck?
Im not even worried about you
Yet you sittin there tryna make me blue
Analyze my every rhyme
Jus cause you cant get a dime
I know my spits the grossest
You think yo spit is nasty?
People only beg for mercy cause you got chronic halitosis
I’m the biggest diva youll ever come across
Don’t even think imma settle for a loss
Mad at this chick
Cause yo chick
Don’t wanna suck ya dick
Fuck that!
Only reason why you dissed me is cause you know i kill
You know i will have to leave ya body still
Aint no front, im jus tryna be real
Ill tear you down and let you know how real pain feel
You know you wanna smoke me
cause I’m so dope
Ill leave you high and hallucinatin
Youll be shaken when you awaken and Im still statin
facts like nonfiction book
I dont even need a hook
cause you so hooked to my ability to rhyme
Dont think to approach, its just a waste of time
unless you gotta dope ass line
Ive got many
so dont cross any