Actual Time

Friday, October 16, 2009


It's a serious issue. people who are bipolar can often be unpredictable. Bipolar people can often be to themselves and to others.their moods changes alot. one mintue they are happy, smiling and having fun the next they are sad, crying and any little comment can make them go off on you. bipolar is like being paranoid. people who are bipolar feel like killing themselves and they can't think straight and feel like everyone is out to get them. people who don't understand bipolar people tend to make fun of them like they are bigger than them when they aren't. people who make fun of people who have bipolar or any kind of disease or disorder are all low lives. just because you have a good health and they dont doesnt give you the right to treat them like shit. excuse my language but who the fuck are you to judge some one because they have a disease or disorder.some people get diseases when they are born and some get them later on in life.making fun of someone doesn't make you a better person. the only thing that it does make you look like is an asshole, jerk, low life, and someone who is just a waste of living on earth.people often run away from those with bipolar or disorders because they think that they are weird and strange. instead of being mean to people with a disorder try being nice to them, give them a chance try to understand them and where they are coming from instead of blowing them off and think that they are stalking you. The reason for this bipolar thing is that i may have a bipolar disorder. there's medicine out there that you can make to go normal like everyone else.

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