Actual Time

Monday, August 10, 2009


It's a part of life that we can never escape from. Each generation goes through it so that a new generation can begin living. There are people in the world who die before god takes them and there are those who make the wrong decision in their life that the result is them dying. The sad thing about living is that we all know that some day that our loved ones and ourselves will one day die at anytime and at any moment so we try to make the best of them and us living here on earth. Death is serious, yet it is funny to me because when you die you see all the people that were fake, mean, didn't want anything to do with you at your funeral, crying and wishing that they could go back in time and be nice to you, talk to you, and even try and become your friend. Some people have so many regrets about what they have said and done to you and wish that they could have been there to try and save you. While others couldn't care less about you. They are happy that you are gone so that they don't have to deal with all of your bullshit.Death, we never know when its gonna happen to us so we just live life like usual and do the things like we usually do like it was our last days.Death is a scary thing. We never wanna find out that our love ones is gone and we never had the chance to say goodbye or that we love them and always miss them. Death is unpredictable. One day we're alive and and the next we're gone. Death is fascinating and the way that we die makes it more interesting. When people die they are sometimes remembered in a good way and sometimes they aren't. When your gone your whole entire secrets and life comes out. all the people that you once knew or talked to all get to meet your family or get to know them so that they can share stories about you and get closer to them. When people die you miss them alot. some of us tend to tattoo our loved ones name on us, make a video of them and do anything possible that we can so that we can never forget about them. People who lose a love one are the ones who truly knows how it feels like,and how much it hurts inside. people go to the funeral to pay their respect and once its done and over with you never see or talk to the people who were there ever again. it's like they are all there for the moment and then move on with their life like nothing ever really happened. People who lose a love one are the ones who remember them the most,miss every single thing and detail about them. Sometimes some people hear the ones that we have lost,we see them when nobody else can and sometimes we lose our mind. people who have lost so many people in their life tend to go crazy, psycho, go in to depression or stalker mode, Feels like nobody in the world ever understands who they are and what they are going through. some of them tend to be isolated or try to be friends with a celebrity thinking that out of everyone in the world a stranger would understand what they are going through and who they really are.

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