This is the way the world view me.
They see me as a poor girl
A worthless, unmeaning full person
who can't do anything in her life
They see me as a liar
everytime i open my mouth
No body believes what i say
It's like i'm in this world fighting to be someone
Thats better.
A part of me feels neglected
and the other part of me feels ignored
When i open my mouth people think
every word that comes out of my mouth is a lie
They feel sorry for me because they think i'm useless
They talk mess about me
Saying that i can never accomplish anything in life
They say all i can ever be is homeless
They say this godly way that i changed to is a act and i'm nothing but a fake.
Some care so much about begin popular that they ignore me
every day i feel like crying but i cant because i have to stay strong and act like im strong
They see me as a user when i'm not
Life is about fighting for what you want
Even when people doubt you
i've lost so many people.
I'm too shy in class
They put me down because they think they are better than me
i'm losing focus of what really matters and paying attention to what doesn't matter.
Even When i try making a new friend they hear somethings about me that was in the past that makes them wanna run away.
People see me as untrustworthy, fake and who can't handle things in a mature way.
They say so many stuff about me that it makes me wanna cry and laugh at the same time.
They say i'm too weak minded and stupid to accomplish becoming a lawyer and model
but the one thing i can do is smile and give god my problems to solve for me
I've did and said some things in the past that i'm not every proud of doing and saying but that's the past and i can't go back in time and change it.
I've been know to be shy, awkward weird and strange.
People make so many bad jokes and say things not knowing that i wouldn't hear them
I've made mistakes in my past and i'm in the future trying to make things better and giving my whole soul to god to make me a better person
yes i have my flaws and i've made tons of mistakes but that doesn't mean that i'm still the same old me.
I've lost sight of whats really important.
People i've trusted can't even keep their mouth shut.
They think that them going out there and saying things i tell them makes them cool and a better person but it only puts them in other peoples level
i've been know to be a little crazy and other stuff too.
I'm almost 18 and still feel like i have a mind of a little girl.
i can't think straight
i've lost those who truly care about me
yes i'll admit that my personality gets the best of me and changes who i am
i can be emotionally at times and i can be sane.
I'm me and the way i view life and people are different.
I don't judge anyone
i'll let god do the judging for me.
you can judge me, say all the mess that you want about me but remember one thing god always holds your future in his hands.
He works his magic in mysterious ways
i will no longer let myself be lowered to anyone's level
they say i'm lesbian and so forth
but they don't know me.
When i try making friends girls always think that i'm trying to hit on them when i'm not.
I'm straight and always will be.
They think that all my pictures are photoshoped but it's not
i don't like school
Too many backstabbing
i really don't know why girls have to be jealous for
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